6 Tips to Stay Positive During Difficult Times


Challenges are a part and parcel of life. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to cope during tough times. One effective way is positive thinking. Studies have found that it reduces the risk of several serious diseases, including stroke, respiratory complications and heart issues, while ensuring better psychological health and lower rates of depression, according to an article by Healthline.

So, the key is to try to remain optimistic, enter a “survival mode,” if required, and be realistic about the whole situation. Further, take a look at a few other therapeutic but simple ways to stay positive through hard times.

1.    Stress Therapy

Stress and anxiety can be too much to handle at times. In case you are unable to deal with it, set up an appointment with a professional therapist, trained to help people understand and manage their stress for positive outcomes, according to experts at the Institute for Personal Growth. This way, you are less likely to face a crisis situation.

2.    Small Goals

One of the best ways to stay motivated is to set short term goals. These are usually ones you can accomplish quickly, without too much effort. For example, finishing a school assignment or achieving your workout milestone. Achieving goals gives you something positive to focus on.

3.    Stay Close to Nature

A strong connection with the natural environment enhances emotional well-being and reduces feelings of social isolation, while improving health conditions like attention deficit disorder, according to an article by Positive Psychology. Nature is known to heal, rejuvenate and help you feel empowered. So, try to spend at least an hour outdoors each day.

4.    Try a New Hobby

There is a sense of accomplishment when you start doing what you love. So, consider going for a swim, strumming the guitar, painting something or playing the piano. You can also learn to cook or stitch. It might not be productive always, but it will keep you engaged, happy and distracted from negativity.

5.    Exercise

Physical activities are known to reduce anxiety and lower the risk of depression, according to an article on Medical News Today. In fact, moderate exercise is curative and preventive in nature. Start with running, jogging or simply walking daily, for a relaxed path to mental well-being.

6.    Embrace Criticism

The fear of judgment and criticism can keep you from living a positive life. So, take them in a healthy way and work on yourself. In case the comments are too harsh, simply try to ignore. Don’t start being defensive upfront; it can disturb your peace of mind.

The above tips are quite helpful in helping you stay positive. However, none of them can replace professional help. So, if you are going through a prolonged period of distress, seek help now.


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