Tag: child therapy nj

How to Tell if My Child is Depressed


Beyond the regular “blues,” children often suffer from clinical depression. They tend to become unusually irritable, angry, or quiet, which disrupts their lives. Worldwide, 10%-20% of the children experience psychological disorders and depression is often called the “common cold” of mental illnesses. In fact, 3 in 4 children aged 3-17 with depression also suffer from anxiety and 1 in 2 has behavioral issues, according to an article by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If left untreated, such conditions can severely influence the potential to live a fulfilling life. Fortunately, depression is treatable and can help the child get life back on track. Professionals offer Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), meditation, mindfulness training and interpersonal therapy techniques to relieve depression among children, according to experts at the Institute For Personal Growth. But how do you know whether your child is suffering? Take a look at the various ways in which they might act out under the shadow of depression. Low Self Esteem The child might constantly feel that they are ugly and worthless. This triggers emotions like guilt, hopelessness, shame, failure, and lack of confidence in almost every aspect of life. They might also become indecisive or reckless and refuse… Read more »