Tag: eating disorder

Common Misconceptions About Eating Disorders


Eating disorder is quite common. It is known to affect 9% of the global population and 28.8 million Americans are likely to suffer from this in their lifetime. The condition itself is quite baffling at times, which makes it difficult to tell fact from fiction. Further, low levels of mental health literacy have added on to the misconceptions. This makes it quite difficult to identify and diagnose and go for early intervention. The most common disorders are destructive eating behaviors like Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder, which show symptoms such restriction of food intake, feelings of depression and compulsive exercising, according to experts at Institute For Personal Growth. The good news is that professionals like dieticians, psychotherapists and primary care physicians can coordinate to offer appropriate care. However, it is crucial to understand the myths to be able to seek timely help. Myth: It is a Matter of Choice People tend to believe that an individual chooses to eat excessively more or less. However, studies have found that genetics have 80% role in this condition developing. Further, personality traits like neuroticism, perfectionism and impulsivity are often linked to a higher risk of eating disorder, according to an… Read more »