The Convenience of Online and Remote Therapy


In simple terms, online therapy or e-therapy refers to providing counseling over the internet. You are not deprived of the session in case you need to stay at home for various reasons. All you require is a steady internet connection and a device with a microphone and webcam. The global behavioral therapy market size stood at $183,400 million in 2018, a figure that is expected to rise to $347,300 million by the end of 2025, according to figures released by MarketWatch.

With life becoming increasingly hectic and stressful, the need for therapy appears to be rising, while time to seek therapy seems to be decreasing. This is why remote psychotherapy sessions have been growing in popularity. However, while seeking such therapy, it is important to make sure that the facility is HIPAA compliant and uses encrypted online therapy software, according to experts at the Institute for Personal Growth.

If you are wondering how online therapy can help, here are a few things you should know.


You have the facility to sit through a session from the comfort of your home. These do not require any additional expenses and are charged just like traditional therapy sessions. Moreover, there are no travel expenses, which helps you save too. You can just send a message to your therapist online and get a quick response through video chat, emails and messages, says an article on HuffPost.


People located in rural or remote areas can easily benefit from web counseling. This is quite important, since they might not have easy access to mental health services. Also, you do not have to limit yourself to one geographic area alone. You can choose to get in touch with counselors from all across the globe, in just a few clicks. Online therapy works wonders for the physically disabled as well.


Flexible hours are the most convenient part of online therapy. You schedule your own time, so that therapy can git seamlessly with your daily routine. This is also useful for those who suffer from social phobias or practice social distancing. So, anyone who is uncomfortable with offline therapy can benefit from web sessions. They can comfortably reveal their darkest secrets, without having to face the therapist directly. In fact, dedicated professionals are often available even beyond the traditional work hours.

Lastly, many therapy sessions involve written communication as well. This is great for anyone who has difficulty in expressing themselves verbally. If online therapy is a good fit for you, there are tons of reasons to go for it already.


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Highland Park, NJ 08904
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Freehold, NJ 07728