In simple terms, online therapy or e-therapy refers to providing counseling over the internet. You are not deprived of the session in case you need to stay at home for various reasons. All you require is a steady internet connection and a device with a microphone and webcam. The global behavioral therapy market size stood at $183,400 million in 2018, a figure that is expected to rise to $347,300 million by the end of 2025, according to figures released by MarketWatch. With life becoming increasingly hectic and stressful, the need for therapy appears to be rising, while time to seek therapy seems to be decreasing. This is why remote psychotherapy sessions have been growing in popularity. However, while seeking such therapy, it is important to make sure that the facility is HIPAA compliant and uses encrypted online therapy software, according to experts at the Institute for Personal Growth. If you are wondering how online therapy can help, here are a few things you should know. Affordability You have the facility to sit through a session from the comfort of your home. These do not require any additional expenses and are charged just like traditional therapy sessions. Moreover, there are no… Read more »
Category: In the Loop
4 Ways to Bring Up Couples Counseling to Your Spouse
Almost 9 in 10 Americans, or 88% of the population, believe that love is the most important reason to get married. This is way ahead of financial stability (28%) and legal benefits (23%), according to a survey by Pew Research Center. However, love is often not enough to hold the marriage together for a lifetime. If you are on the brink of separation or trying to fix a sinking relationship, couples therapy could work wonders. It can help improve communication, address hidden relationship problems and ensure that both partners are heard and understood, say experts at the Institute for Personal Growth. If your partner is hesitant to attend a counseling session, here’s how to get them to agree to therapy. 1. Avoid the Blame Game Tell your partner that therapy is intended to talk about the marriage in general. It is not meant to blame them for all that is going wrong. Counseling sessions are not designed to shame a particular individual. When your partner is assured that there’ll be no embarrassments or direct confrontation, they might even look forward to it. 2. Talk About Benefits of Couples Counseling Couple counseling is a lot like talking openly to a trusted… Read more »
IPG’s Alison Grant Featured in A Girl Raised by Wolves
(Trigger Warning: rape, abuse, violence) I am very excited to be associated with the new memoir A Girl Raised by Wolves. I was asked to write a brief introduction to explain the mechanics of repressed memories in trauma and I was happy and proud to be a part of this story. The book’s synopsis describes it: “In the late 1970s, in a gritty N.J. town, an adolescent girl is unwittingly handed a one-way ticket by her mother to allegedly ‘visit’ her estranged father in Florida. Young and vulnerable, Lockey Maisonnueve has no idea she is being abandoned and sent to live with a vile and dangerous pedophile who would spend the next several years violently raping, abusing and mercilessly selling his daughter’s body into childhood prostitution to other adult men. After being rescued by her naive but well-intentioned grandparents, her troubled life is further devastated by cancer and ravaged by the subsequent brutal murder of her mother, in which Lockey is briefly considered a suspect. A Girl Raised by Wolves is the inspirational memoir of a survivor of the darkest circumstances one can endure in a single lifetime and still emerge with a sense of humor and to defiantly proclaim ‘they didn’t break me!’.” … Read more »
How to Deal with Grief After the Loss of a Parent
The passing of a parent is an unfortunate reality that all of us have to experience at some point. But that does not make it any less painful. Some of the feelings people cycle through after the loss of a loved one are shock, denial, anger, numbness, despair and sadness. If these feelings are not dealt with in a helpful way, they could lead to increased risk of psychological difficulties, such as anxiety, depression and substance abuse, according to research published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. It has also been found that the loss of a parent can affect physical health, according to an article published in the Journal of Family Issues. So, here are some ways to deal with grief after the loss of a parent. Seek the Help of a Grief Counselor It is always helpful to share your feelings and seek the support of friends and family. But, in some cases, that might not be enough. It is always a good idea to seek professional help in such situations. A grief counselor can help you talk about and process your feelings, such as anger, frustration and sadness, according to experts at the Institute… Read more »
Why There is No “Right” Way to Grieve
Every loss is different. Whether it is a death of a loved one, losing a job or the end of a relationship, each loss is not the same. Loss is one of the most difficult emotions to cope with, and every individual has their own way of dealing with the grief. However, it is important to understand that grieving isn’t a single experience, it is an emotional process to make peace with the loss and might take a long time to recover from, says an article by the American Cancer Society. Every person goes through a period of grief at some point in their life but none of us experience it in quite the same way. 5 Stages of Grief Life transitions can often bring about symptoms which might look a lot like anxiety and depression, even in the healthiest person, say experts at the Institute for Personal Growth. This might just throw a person off balance, resulting stress and grief. In her book, On Death and Dying, Elizabeth Kubler Ross proposed 5 stages of grief. 1. Denial This is the first stage where the person does not want to believe that a loss has occurred. This begins right after… Read more »
10 Tips to Successfully Handle Major Life Changes
The most beautiful, yet challenging aspect of life is that it brings so many changes, big and small. While change can be overwhelming, it also teaches us the most important life lessons. It compels us to change the way we interact with our surroundings and with ourselves. What is common, however, is that major life changes can cause significant psychological stress. Under such circumstances, it is important to actively adopt coping mechanisms to deal with emotions like anxiety, anger, helplessness and depression. Here are some tips to help cope with major life changes: #1 – Keep a Regular Schedule When circumstances change, we often feel things are going out of our control. This can be unnerving. By creating and adhering to a schedule, it’s possible to focus on what we can control. The schedule works as an anchor and reminds us that some things are still the same. It’s a good idea to write down your routine and keep checking tasks off as they are completed. #2 – Seek Support It is normal to be overwhelmed by change, but know that everyone goes through difficult phases, so don’t hesitate asking friends and family for help. Simply talking to someone who… Read more »
What You Can Do When a Loved One is Depressed
With over 300 million people suffering from depression across the globe, it is the leading cause of disability on the planet, according to the World Health Organization. Depression can affect people of all ages and from all walks of life. The symptoms of depression can be so severe as to prevent the person from even being able to take care of their day to day activities. Unfortunately, despite depression being so common, people experiencing it often fail to get the support and treatment they need. If someone you care about seems to have been depressed for some time now, here are some ways in which you can support them on their journey to recovery. Listen with Empathy The first step is to understand what the person is experiencing. For this, you need to help them communicate, while you listen without judgement. Keeping things bottled up can actually make the person feel worse. You might not have the solution, but simply being there for them and listening empathetically can make them feel better. Identify Signs of Worsening Depression It is important that you observe the person to check whether the depression is worsening and learn what to do if it gets… Read more »
Getting Rid of the Stigma Surrounding Therapy
With one in five individuals in the United States suffering from mental illness, there are an estimated 46.1 million people living with AMI (Any Mental Illness) in the country, according to information on The National Institute of Mental Health. Despite so many people being affected by mental health issues, there is unfortunately still a stigma associated with seeking psychotherapy and counseling. A lot of this has to do with myths and misconceptions that have historically plagued mental health. If you or a loved one is finding life difficult to cope with, seeking professional help could be the best choice to improve quality of life. However, research also shows that people often wait for long periods before seeking therapy, with couples waiting for seven years on average before seeking help, according to experts at the Institute for Personal Growth. If the fear of stigma is a hurdle in doing so, here are some things you should keep in mind. You are NOT “Weak” Mental health issues need to be viewed in the same way as we do physical illness, such as a fever or even high blood pressure. When dealing with any illness, it is recommended to seek professional help, rather… Read more »
The Difference Between Couples Therapy and Sex Therapy
A survey conducted by the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists revealed that almost 98% of the respondents were extremely satisfied with the results of couples therapy, says an article on GuideDoc. Seeking the right help is crucial for both your mental as well as sexual health. And, those who have sought any form of counseling or therapy do report benefits in terms of their relationships, as well as better performance in the workplace! Couples Therapy and Sex Therapy can be perceived as similar, yet are different in several ways. Is Sex Therapy the Same as Couples Therapy? Not exactly. Couples therapists help you address various challenges and issues you might be facing in terms of your emotional relationship with your partner. It could touch upon the sexual aspect too. However, the subject of intimacy might not come up at all, if it isn’t one of the issues that are affecting the relationship. On the other hand, sex therapy is focused on issues specifically related to your sex life, regardless of whether the sexual contact is with a long-term partner, one-night stands or any other form of sexual interaction. Certified sex therapists are highly qualified and experienced psychotherapists, who… Read more »
What to Look for in a Substance & Alcohol Abuse Therapist
Around 19.7 million American adults battled substance abuse in 2017. In fact, 74% of them struggled with alcohol abuse, says a report by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). While it is true that the first step to helping yourself is to accept that you need help, it is also necessary to find the right therapist for your treatment. This can be a major challenge when you are already feeling stressed by your existing problems. However, it is something that will deeply impact your recovery. So, here’s a look at how to make a choice. How to Find a Suitable Substance and Alcohol Abuse Therapist When you are looking for an opportunity for growth and positive change, it is best to approach a potential mentor, coach, teacher or therapist slowly, and do so in an investigative manner, says an article by the Institute for Personal Growth. There are several things you should look for in a potential therapist before making the final decision, such as: License and Expertise Firstly, check the therapist’s credentials to see if they have the qualifications and the required licenses to practice. Ensure that they have the certifications associated with the form of… Read more »