Tag: therapy nj

Strategies for Uplifting Your Mood While Sheltering in Place


National isolation, economic upheaval and COVID panic are all taking their toll on our mental health. The WHO has already predicted that one in four people in the world will be affected by a psychological problem at least once in their lifetime. And now, the impact of the pandemic might just worsen the situation. In fact, 50% of Chinese healthcare workers have reported depression and 47% of Canada’s frontline workers have admitted to the need for psychological support, according to data released by the World Health Organization. Given that the United States had 2.04 million confirmed cases, as of June 11, 2020, stay-at-home measures cannot be altered for now. The good news, however, is that mindful techniques, relaxation approaches and meditation training can help regulate stress and emotions and make people better able to cope with the situation, say experts at the Institute For Personal Growth. Here are a few other strategies approved by psychotherapists to lift your spirits during this time of isolation. 1.    Stay Connected Let social distancing not turn into emotional distancing! Connect with your loved ones regularly and take updates on their lives. You can also contact psychotherapists, since most of them are offering quality online… Read more »

10 Tips to Successfully Handle Major Life Changes


The most beautiful, yet challenging aspect of life is that it brings so many changes, big and small. While change can be overwhelming, it also teaches us the most important life lessons. It compels us to change the way we interact with our surroundings and with ourselves. What is common, however, is that major life changes can cause significant psychological stress. Under such circumstances, it is important to actively adopt coping mechanisms to deal with emotions like anxiety, anger, helplessness and depression.  Here are some tips to help cope with major life changes: #1 – Keep a Regular Schedule When circumstances change, we often feel things are going out of our control. This can be unnerving. By creating and adhering to a schedule, it’s possible to focus on what we can control. The schedule works as an anchor and reminds us that some things are still the same. It’s a good idea to write down your routine and keep checking tasks off as they are completed. #2 – Seek Support It is normal to be overwhelmed by change, but know that everyone goes through difficult phases, so don’t hesitate asking friends and family for help. Simply talking to someone who… Read more »